Holistic & Conscious Healing

through Movement, Breathwork, Guidance & Touch

“The energy created in Gaetano’s different offerings is loving and safe. He is supporting you with a blend of knowledge and intuition.”

Hi I’m Gaetano,

I am an Holistic Bodyworker, Breathwork Guide & Space Holder. My passion about supporting others on their healing journey began after I truly started with my own healing journey, which spread over years. That brought me to understand on a deep level how everything in our Body is highly interconnected.

When I started my studies as a physical therapist 8 years ago, little I knew that along the way I will meet the powerful practice of Breathwork and other tools that completely changed my life and, mostly my view on healing.

Gaetano made me experience the real connection between movement & breath. Working with him is something I can recommend to everyone because you will discover the joy of understanding yourself in a deeper way.”

Marika -

Gaetano is really helping me unlocking doors that were closed for a long time through breathing. He accompanies me all the way. I trust him with all my heart and let myself be guided through this incredible and beautiful process!”

Clem -

Any breakthrough on your own healing journey is just one breathe away.

Breathwork came into my life to shake, cleanse & restore all of my Being. During my journey I have tried several healing modalities, yet it was only when Breathwork came into my existence that I never truly looked back.

Breathwork teaches you how to let go, how to infuse yourself with compassion, acceptance & love through any process. It releases any story & storage you have been carrying around. It rewires you, 100%.

Your Body is the key to integrate & process your transformative journey.

To experience Ease, Safety, Softness

& Presence.

Movement has been the medicine number 1 on my life-long healing journey. At first Dance has been my safety exit for most of my childhood and teenage hood, until it became a conscious tool for embodiment & transformation of my inner landscape.

In a blend of movement practices that focus on inviting you back home to your body, I facilitate integrative movement sessions that help you release any multi-dimensional blockage in your body, support you in your process, reduce limiting restrictions & emotional baggage; reconnect with your true nature and the Dancing Heartbeat, bringing you a sense of relief & freedom.

Somatic explorations through Embodied Movement & Dance

I am the founder of a movement practice called

Somatic Movement Attunement ™

So.M.A is an ongoing dialogue and research of our bodies in motion to access Whole-Body Awareness. It is a practice of acknowledging physiological & non-physiological functions through integrative tools and tasks in movement. The essence is to become still while moving, and connect to the state of Presence that energies the body, as well as making it available and attuned for movement transfers and the energetic creative flow.

Strength, flexibility & breathe:

3 essential elements to train your Body in a more holistic way with the GYROTONIC® method


with Specialized Equipment

Improve you Strength, Flexibility & your Whole-body awareness. With the Gyrotonic method you will discover bodily connections, improve your breathing, reduce pains & healing injuries + get fully energized.

More Information & Inquiries ?